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The Ladies of the Christmas Show 2 – Moxie

Jan 16, 2022

One of the things I tried to do with the Christmas show was come out with something of a singing-portrait of some of the troop. Although events like the Halloween performance can provide some fun opportunities, Christmas is is more likely to be the time for this. Here is Moxie, Marion Jackson, singing “Santa Baby”. I began with a couple of dozen good exposures (admittedly all at iso 12,800 again) and only had it narrowed down to six when I threw up my hands and called Nan in to help. The two here were taken very close together. Nan insisted that the singing shot selected go first – and then my own favorite below. I have this attachment for the more serious, eyes on the camera look for portraits, and this one, while not as striking at first, makes you look twice. 

Below, more for fun, is a shot showing Moxie cuting it up for the song, along with Alex, on guitar in the background reacting. Alex, like a lot of the background musicians, can be difficult to photograph – they can do entire sets without changing position or expression. Alex is particularly good at that, ever with the same serious, concentrating look. Except here – I grabbed this shot, very much of a divergence for Alex, as Marion was working her charms on the audience with her “Santa Baby”. 

I had to do some real fix-its on the shot of Alex, so it can’t be blown up much, but it tells a story. These have been added to the Christmas show folio HEREI’ll finish up next with some fun shots from dancing, etc. And I’m trying to make time to play with my printer.