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This Saturday, Easter Island Presentation at Fallston Library – w/books

Feb 9, 2023

This Saturday, 2 to 3:30 Nan and I will be giving a slide/video/talk presentation on the Easter Island project at the Fallston Library. Fortunately I am still able to give copies of the coffee table book The Moon has been Eaten to anyone willing to endure the experience. I will try to make it interesting and, if, as has happened, I don’t have enough books with me, I’ll ask for volunteers to wait and pick them up the next day.

I call the image shown here the name of the leader represented by the center Moai – Lightening Strike for Scoundrels. They are among the long string of Moai atop the Ahu at Tongariki on the Island. To put it into perspective, a person would be a good deal shorter than the pukau, or topknot, on old lightening’s head.

Just this month I’m able to consider the project, which consisted of three years on Island between 2006 and 2016, completed. Volume three of The Moon has been Eaten is at the printers this week – unfortunately expensive print-to-order books. The digital version is on my site for free download. It is formatted and optimized for iPad – working like a book. On a computer it reads more like a pdf.