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More from May 3 Rehearsal at Concord Point…

May 6, 2023

OK, I’ll admit, I have yet to figure out a lot of this action. All I know is that it looks like fun…  A few more images from the May 3 rehearsal of Rogue Swan Invades the U.K. playing at the State Theater in June. I can’t wait to see dress rehearsal. As a point of information, I shoot these in RAW plus JPG – the color JPGs do exist, and are for Rogue to do as they please with. I find it gratifying that they seem to prefer to wait for the B&Ws.

Here jess, Bre and Ron always have stage expressions that play to the last row, as do Caleb and Jessy… 

April and April & Ron taking on all invaders…

All full size in the NEW Rogue Invades the U.K folio HERE