Rogue vs the State Theater Stage
Jun 9, 2023
One of the more fascinating parts of preparing for a performance is the labor that goes into adapting the venue for the particular show. I included an early shot of the evening, showing both some of the raw construction going on in front – expanding the stage and cast members working out when-and-where positions for one of the numbers. The detail that Katie and Lilli keep in their heads is daunting.
Lilli sibmitted a request list again, that helps. She had both the images below on the list – Since it IS the U.K. I assume this somehow relates to the “Ministry of Silly Walks. So I worked both up (there are more in the series). Short on time today (among other tantalizing chores, it's dentist and teeth-cleaning day for both of us), so I simpy grabbed these four images…
I came out of this combination tech night / rehearsal worried that I just wouldn’t get much. Well, possibly not much that is realy good, but some telling shots. Besides, it helps me to be prepared for what’s coming in dress rehearsal – the show itself is a crap-shoot sometimes.
Oh, the intro shot is one I really want to catch on a show night, in full costume.
All full size in the Rogue Invades the U.K folio HERE…