Rosie Jack and the Bangtails – Duets
Sep 28, 2023
Finishing up with the Rosie Jack and the Bangtails performance with a few shots of duets, both in the stage area and on the dance floor. The intro shot shows KT (Rosie Jack) and L.H. James. Then below KT and Jesse followed by James and Jesse…
The dance floor was not lit – making for some hit=and-miss efforts to catch individual dancers. Sometimes they moved into a hint of light only to be blocked by other dancers. Anyway, I work as a fly on the wall – available light only. Here are James taking a break to dance with his wife and Jesse dancing with his girl friend…
Finally, I managed to get something of a shot from the back, holding the camera up a little…
Added – all full size – to the mew Rosie Jack and the Bangtails folio HERE…
I’m really enjoying using any b&w skills I have for practical, functional purposes, covering some of our favorite aspects of life in Havre de Grace. And, again, New Years with Rosie Jacks and the Bangtails at the Vandiver promises to be the place to be in town…