Upon Discovering a folder of left-out images from last September…
Jan 30, 2024
It has been a rough year with a lot of distraction – that’s my only excuse. In September I shot the local Autumn Moonshine Bellydance Hafla at the Opera House. But half the images, for the most part finished then, were never included in the Folio for that event. This is to announce that they are now included here – over a dozen performers. The one image I’m using to announe this, above, is a high contrast shot of April Monique and her student class. The folio for this event is HERE…
I probably would not have realized my faux-pas for a good while, but the external drive I use to house my large file of original exposures – died, forcing me to set up a new primary and retrieve 4 terabytes of images from backup (both here and on line). In the process I wound up opening a few folders containing I knew not what.