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Some Fun with Rogue Rehearsal Faces

Jun 9, 2024

Stage rehearsals make for some interesting facial expressions up close up – add to that reaction to slip-ups, I sometimes catch some good ones – most of which I could never post for frar of one of the ladies setting out to hurt me. I’m probably tking a little of a risk with the intro shot here, but it’s just too tempting. Bre, James and Melissa.

The nest one is of Melissa and Bre …

James and Will practicing being intensly angry (not with one another)…

One of the moments inn a number in the show – as we get closer and closer, the timing, syncing and expressions fall more and more into place…

Katie and April – also demonstrates my biggest frustration – hair in front of faces, all too often crossing eyeballs…

In the rehearsal folio HERE.