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The Rest of the Rogue Cast/Band Portraits

Jun 15, 2024

This will make seventeen out of the nineteen or twenty this time around. I know of at least two who want to use last year’s for the program. Oh well. All vertical so I can crowd them a little here – they’ll be able to be accessed, and downloaded, full size in the Folio HERE… The opening shot is of Caleb (with hair that a lot of women would kill for). The next two are Melissa – who hates wearing make-up enough that she rushed to wash it off as soon as I got the pictures, and Jason, a multi-instrument member of the band…

Alex – “I am Pure Evil” from Silver Scream on the left and new face in the band Jake with his very old, very cool alto saxophone…

All in all not too bad a batch, outdoors sitting in front of a backdrop thrown over a fence, in the shade of a tree with blowing leaves constantly changing the lighting. We’re finally getting very close to full show rehearsals – then some on stage. Good thing, it will be a new venue for me to figure out how to handle…