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Three of the Very Fine Ladies of Rogue Swan – More cast portraits…

Jun 10, 2024

Nan laughs at me for this and says to not get the big head. Most of the cast sits, I fire off a test shot, look at it and throw up my hands – got it, no real need to try more. Often they will strike another pose on their own, telling me to choose one – at least that way I can have some kind of input.

Anyway, here are three more for the cast portrait series at the beginning of the Rehearsal Folio HERE… I used Emily for the intro shot here – she’s to be the mermaid in the upcoming show – all I know about that at this point. Next Moxie (Marion). She will be front and center singing Mein Herr – that’s a number you want to see…

Multitalented Amy is both cast and band, playing a saxophone almost as tall as she is…

Normally I try to avoid a 5x7 proportion for portraits, but these simply didn’t want to be cropped. They also all looked amazing in color, but using those is up to them.

Six of the cast/band portraits the first run / nine more yesterday / and this Thursday I should be able to finish up all but the holdouts who want to use their head shots from last year in the program – that way escaping their portrait being posted here. Of those taken, I’ll try to work up the other six as soon as possible, hopefully a couple of days with double postings. Again, the folio is HERE