b&w images • blog • project journal

"Bitch of Living" images to add to Bre's jump close-up…

Jul 10, 2024

As I was getting started on these I posted a close-up of Bre taking flight. Part of that is caught here in wide view. The Star Center is a big stage – a full view is a long thin shot. Two views of the rather intense performance of “Bitch of Living” are here – these wide shots are really best viewed larger than they can be seen here…

Two close-ups – in one Will is definitely showing his frustration. In the other James and Will look close to coming to blows…

In the first two images, since those ugly front fill speakers weren’t blocking any feet, I could remove them. I was able to set that up by holding the camera way over my head to get the feet in (looks much better without the speakers – there’s gotta be a better solution than those things). Next “Howl”…