b&w images • blog • project journal

Come Alive – I was convinced I didn't catch the moment…

Jul 19, 2024

In a, what seemed futile, effort to catch everyone at once coming alive, I held the shutter down at five frames a second. Only now did I bother to go through them – this shot was the result. It even catches James’s eye behind Bre on the far right end, Melissa’s arm going up behind Dane Lilli’s animated face emerging from behind Emily – and  is that a bit of Jess’s arm coming from behind Katie? Anyway, this was not only the best of the lot, it’s the only one I find usable. As a Rogue Swan image fitting the title of the number “Come Alive” I love it. For inclusivity I call it close… We know these people now and love this one.

Just the one today – busy doing some mounting and framing…