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Our Favorite Number – "Mariner's Revenge"

Jul 14, 2024

Rogue’s “Mariner’s Revenge” was phenomenal to watch, not so much to try to get shots of. I can’t count how many times Alex was chased across the stage and back, not to mention Bre’s stage ramblings. Then April, with her triangle, would appear and disappear. I like to call what Rogue Swan sometimes does on stage “choreographed chaos” – and this was one of those. No such thing as framing a shot and/or waiting for the right moment – just shoot and hope…

The intro shot is my favorite – everybody isn’t in it, but It catches April as she gets ready to ding her triangle – at appropriate pause moments in the song. More below…

As the song ends, or more accurately just before it is interrupted just in time to same Alex:

Now for a much needed one day break, an opportunity to crank up the printer and catch up there… then I’ll be back with close-ups of the five ladies of "Mein Herr”.