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First release of rehearsal images for Rogue's Sweeney Todd…

Aug 8, 2024

Well this is different. Rogue Swan – I do the photography fo them – is putting on Sweeney Todd at the Star Center at the end of September, beginning of August. This time though everything, including my imaging, is official somehow. All use of the images have to be accompanied by the following:

SWEENEY TODD is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).

All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.mtishows.com

Oh well, what can I say. The first two images are from the very first rehearsals, after hours at Concord Point Coffee – a lot of community spirit in that place. In the opening shot Nate and Brian are some sort of officials, early on in the show (I could tell from the place in the scripts they were all holding). sIn the second, below Katie holds the mirror and brush while working a scene with Lisa (new at least to me – I’m told some of these new faces go back to before my time).

A little overworked right now – still struggling to catch up on images and a pdf file form the 10th Anniversary Show and put a book toether for this Fall whild getting rolling on Sweeney Todd. And, of course, having a life.