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Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Oops, I told the wrong guy what I'm up to…

Sep 19, 2024

I think Jesse (as Anthony) has the expression of horror down as he realizes that he’s been spilling things to Nate (as Beadle). Most numbers in Rogue productions, heavy on Vaudeville, have multiple points where good shots can be managed. In this production I’m just now, in shooting rehearsals, getting my timing and familiarity with the flow down. During the show itself, I will be far back with a very heavy long lens. I’ve just worked out a very cool (if I do say so myself) way to support my left elbow when my arm gets tired. After checking out all the gear that is supposed to accomplish that, I realized I like my (free) idea a lot better. This is definitely going to be the trickiest production to shoot yet – 

Check out this article about the production: https://www.theatrebloom.com/2024/09/theres-no-place-like-rogue-swan-an-in-depth-look-at-sweeney-todd-with-rogue-swan-theatre-company/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFZFiFleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHRExiiVcMdOm6hNqeeIr0gOBJd2nUZxNIRpruwknIaPgs1NHkC-QJ0-vNA_aem_RQFiWtVAg7ph8MXV8qX9kQ

The next image shows a worried Mrs Lovett being feeling pressured to sing along with Beadle (Katie and Nate)…

A quick sidelines shot of Katie and Amy – I thought it was too cute to pass up…

Info & Tickets: Info & Tickets:https://starcentremd.com/event/rogue-swan-presents-sweeney-todd-the-demon-barber-of-fleet-street/

SWEENEY TODD is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
