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This is Havre de Grace – an Odyssey in b&w 2017–2024

Sep 5, 2024

Finally, it’s done. I assembled the print version first, I always do. Then I have to decide whether to go to print – expensive – or just order one copy for Nan and go immediately to pdf eBook. I was sorely tempted to print tthis one, but with having to sell over 100 copies at $30 in order to break even (do the math) we decided-to-decide later. And if I can go there, all proceeds go to Rogue Swan Theatre Co.

Direct link to download (free) "This is Havre de Grace, from around town to vaudeville – an Odyssey in b&w 2017-2024” – HERE

• Over 130 pages of images, most of which have appeared on This is Havre de Grace and You Know You’re from Havre de Grace When

• Special Section – coverage of Rogue Swan Theatre Company performances through June of 2024

• Optimized for iPad and readers that can load pdf – where they work just like a book

• For a wow experience, mirror to TV from your iPad, phone, laptop, etc.

Link to page listing all eBooks – HERE