Finally – laying out the pdf ebook of Rogue Swan Invades the UK
Jul 24, 2023
Admittedly, I’m nowhere finished with doing-up the images from this show – so many numbers!. But enough is covered to take a break and spend the last two days laying out the interractive pdf ebook of Rogue Swan Invades the UK – and get most of the titles, names and cast portraits in – yay. The image here – as the cast enters, sets up the stage and sings “Magical Mystery Tour” by the Beatles – (sort of) introduces the main body of the book (there are two smaller verticals joining it for the first number).
I’m not sure how long this will take – instead of continuing with images from the last few musical numbers, I’m shifting gears and working my way through the pdf. That way I can fill out the numbers already covered and, at the same time work in images that actually come between numbers. Any missed songs can be added at their own time and place.
It will feel good to get working on this. Besides, there are a few other things to shoot and cover coming up – as well as a couple of things I’ve neglected for far too long.
Added a little larger to their own section, in order of performance, to the Rogue Swan Invades the UK Folio HERE… where more will appear than will be posted here and/or Facebook.