Sweeney Todd – "Parlor Songs"…
Skipping around a bit checking off the thirty some scenes. In “Parlor Songs” – Beadle decides he has a singing voice. The first exposure is actully from dress rehearsal, where I could grab a better vantage point, limiting any interference from the music...
Sweeney Prologue – First of 30+ show segments/numbers…
Took some doing to organize all of the Sweeney Todd images into something I can approach logically. I’m staring at at least thirty more scene/number folders of selecteed images (to work up). Attacking these in order – while I move on to some new work – is...
Sweeney Todd – “Green Finch and Linnet Bird”, and pre-show exercises…
OK, I’m back working on Sweeney Todd images. First the Rogue Hard Drive filled up on me and had to be replaced with a much larger one (should have seen that coming) and the very next day my computer back-up drive failed – only 2 months after warranty was...
Sweeney Todd – Behind the Scenes, the Orchestra (two views)
Katie, quite wisely, always requests a second shot with these, telling everyone to act up, be goofy, etc. And it’s almost always better than the standard group shot. The intro shot is just that, the second. Note, the conductor – Jarett Rettman – picked up...
Sweeney Todd – One reason you shouldn't miss what's happening in the shadows…
With this last performance I began working to chatch some of the little nuance stories taking place in the shadows. With this shot I finally get why Alli is described as a prostitute. Ensemble members have occupations that are connected to their peripheral...
from around town to vaudeville
an odyssey in b&w
Special Section – coverage of Rogue Swan Theatre Company performances through June of 2024
The "eBook" I've been wanting to do for a while now…