Sweeney Todd – Johanna in the Mad-House…
A few exp\posures I liked from the Johanna in the mad-house scene. The opening scene shows her pacing, and driving everyone else nuts singing incessantly. Then an odd pair of shots of her in captivity…
Finally Anthony complains to the wrong person...
Sweeney Todd – Knock Three Times…
Just a couple – In the opening shot here, Sweeney is demonstrating how he will knock three times whenever he “shaves” a customer, sending them down the chute to the basement. Then a couple shots from what can only be called a sequence of “quickies” happening...
Making progress – the Rest of Rosie Jack…
I’m gaining on the backlog – after losing almost three weeks to covid. I admit I saved the problemest (?) exposures for last. But better a flawed image that says something than a perfectly executed nothing-burger. I can’t believe I’m actually bginning to...
Rosie Jack and the Bangtails Speakeasy 2
Just a large drop of Bangtails images. One more batch to come. They did manage to illuminate their faces a little better this time, at the cost of some pretty drastic shadows. These events are kinda cool, almost everyone attending dresses to fit the occasion...
Rosie Jack and the Bangtails Speakeasy November
Yes, this past November. What with Sweeney Todd, the holidays and getting a pretty long lasting case of COVID, we got pretty far behind. In fact, family not beginning to come around for Christmas until mid-January. Any, this is the first of probably three...
Rogue Swan Steals Christmas Again – 2
This second posting from Rogue Swan Steals Christmas again is more of a mixed bag. The intro shot is of Arianna, the surprise voice of the evening – sounding a litte like Cher, just low enough to handle songs made for that kind of sexy voice.
Then Moxie...
Rogue Swan Steals Christmas Again – 1
Wow, playing catch-up is rough. Trust me, COVID can still be pretty bad, the worst of it lasting a couple of weeks (on the couch). Here is the first half of the images from the December 12 Rogue Swan Steals Christmas Again at the Vandiver. Their shows there...
Sweeney Todd – "God,That's Good!" 2
This is the sencond batch, of eight, finishing up on the “God, That’s Good!” number in Rogue Swan’s recent Sweeney Todd production. As mentioned in the first posting, i’m just throwing these out there – still too weak from our battle with COVID to think...
Sweeney Todd – "God, That's Good!" 1
This post comes after a two week break while we both battled COVID – and not the light cases we’ve seen others get. Probably an age thing. And NOT how we wanted to spend the Christmas holidays. While the worst is over, it left ut both very weak – we’re...
Sweeney Todd – A Little Priest…
Man, it was difficult to cut this group down to the seven here. A Little Priest made the finale to Act I, and there were simply far too many good exposures to choose from. The intro image is the final image of the first half of the performance – preceded...
Sweeney Todd – Epiphany
Just a pair of images depicting the epiphany moment because I have a full house coming next with “A Little Priest” finishing up Act I. Here Sweeney finally picks up on Mrs. Lovett’s scathingly brilliant idea. Then, to be honest, with the time of year and...
Sweeney Todd – "Pretty Women", Dejection and "Do You Want a Shave, You, You?"
Back to Sweeney Todd images. When they’re all finished, there will be something of a cool pdf eBook of the show. Here are “Pretty Women” where Sweeney lures the Judge into his chair, dejection when he loses his opportunity and finally anger where he seems...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Donna Eileen, Marekai, Yasmina Rose, Ariadne and a couple missed April Moniques…
This finishes up covering everyone from the Autumn Bellydance Gala here in town. Looking back, I managed to put together a small number of “keepers”. Surprising with overhead lighting that cast horrendous shadows, those obtrusive front stage speakers that...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Traust Project, Booty Patrol and Mystic Caravan…
Hey, don’t blame me for some of the performers’ stage names – I’m sure it isn’t easy coming up with something. First two shots this posting is Traust Project – a lot of swords being waved around by the dancers…...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Boudica, Hayati , DC SALIMPOUR COLLECTIVE, Dance Souls
Two individuals, honestly a lot more fun to shoot, and two group shots: Boudica, Hayati , DC SALIMPOUR COLLECTIVE and Dance Souls. Must be rough coming up with an original name. The opening shot and the one below are Boudica – this time around I can only...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Jaelyn, Nini, Zora…
Actually I took some time off from postings to finish up on the Hafla “girls” images. that way I have three or more postings while I get back to the Sweeney Todd pyramid project. This time… Jaelyn, Nini and Zora. Jaelyn is first because I just cant get over...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Wildlight and Anam Cara…
Sorry if I skip individual names in the group shots – tough enough following the group names in the show list. Wildlights is a group effort by three of the soloists. If a lot of the images from the Hafla look posed, it’s because they use a lot of short stops...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Naimah and Amandari…
Naimah, in veil, introduces Amanda, her student group. Tricky those, they pretty much took up the entire, unevenly lit stage. Then, below that Naimah returned for a solo performance…
Getting there…
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Taschen and Lorelei…
Taschen and Lorelei are two Hafla regulars that I can always rely on to make for good shots. On facebook the performers have been putting the color versions out there – sort of an afterthought on my part, but I love that they can use them. With so many performers...
Sweeney – Kiss Me and mansplaining Ladies and Their Sensibilities…
Where Anthony and Johanna finally get together. My favorite line in the musical happens much later, while the duo are escaping after she shoots someone – she adds in another loud “kiss me” while running.
Not sure about the expression on Jesse’s...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Kamala Nar, Sha'vei, Farasha…
In one sense it’s a good thing there were 29 performances this time around, lighting, stage/backdrop issues and impeding speaker boxes pretty much limited successful shots that work in b&w. I just hope I did justice to the ladies. First up here is Kamala...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – Kalayla and Blue Lapis & Silk
After a week of being sick I can get back to catching up on both Bellydance Gala and Sweeney Todd images. Getting the color out to them isn’t all that trying – and only the Bellydance girls really those. My b&w is another story altogether – if it goes smoothly,...
Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – April Monique / Moonshine Troupe / Tandem Terror
I’m always happy to wind up with additions to my Bellydance Hafla collection on the blog. Some of the regulars upped their game – an a couple of interesting new “faces”. Some of the groups put up interesting shows, but mostly not what I’m looking for adding...
Sweeney – Perelli's Demise, the sequence…
Not much to add here. I believe I posted one some time ago, but this is the bloody sequence, for “enjoyment. This brings me to about the half way point in working these up – OUCH. Anyway, they’re posted here in order…
Cool seeing the hand caught...
Sweeney – a Six Shorter Scenes Image Drop…
Really working to get through these – in some semblance of order. So today’s posting includes the one trial shot, with the youngest memeber of the cast playing the doomed urchin / Toby takes off his wig / Mrs Lovett chases off the Beggar woman with a broom,...
Sweeney "The Contest" image drop…
I worked up ten from this scene – trying to capture key moments. My favorite is the intro shot, I love the expressions. Not much to say about the Sweeey Todd images at this point – just that there is still more than half the performance to cover here. Rogue...
"Miracle Elixer" image drop…
The two numbers in Sweeney Todd that generated the most images are “More Hot Pies” and “Miracle Elixir”. So many of the cast, so many combinatins of position and expression. It was difficult to trim the selection down to these eight – in fact Nan had me...
"Ah Miss" and "Johanna" image drop…
I just spent a week getting together an image Archive, from 2017 through Sweeney Todd, for Rogue Swan – Sweeney is far from finished. Very busy right now, plus at least three upcoming performances to cover before the end of the year. Hopefully Sweeney can...
Sweeney Todd – "My Friends"
A couple of shots from the number “My Friends” as Sweeney is presented with his old razors. Mrs Lovett had saved them. Three tries and never did get the presentation shot I wanted – in the best one they were just too far apart to make for an effective shot....
Sweeney Todd – "Poor Thing" – #2
As the “Poor Thing” number moves along, Lucy is tricked into going to the Judge’s, where the following sequence takes place. It ends with Mrs Lovett telling Sweeney that she took arsenic afterwards…
I’m making...
Sweeney Todd – "Poor Thing" – #1
“Poor Thing” was, I’m sure, tricky for whoever was on lighting – a spotlight had to be separately on the two areas at the same time. Of course they weren’t equal, so working up thr first two images was a little time consuming. Mrs Lovett is telling Sweeney...
Sweeney Todd – "Worst Pies in London"…
Sweeney enters the pie shop below his old home and barber shop, and meets Mrs. Lovett. She gives him one of her “Worst Pies in London”. In the first shot he’s “a customer” the first in weeks – then you quickly discover why. More in the sequence below…....
Sweeney Todd – Meeting the Beggar Woman…
These were all part of the “No Place Like London” sequence, I just liked too many of the first appearance of the Beggar Woman on the scene to add them to the previous posting. In the first pair Anthony is approached, only to be shocked at her sudden metamorphosis…....
Sweeney Todd – "No Place Like London"…
The first thing one sees in the actual show numbers, just before Anthony comes on, is Sweeney standing in a very, very dark corner of the stage. It took a bit of magic to bring this exposure to life. I avoid shooting at iso 51,200 because I don’t like how...
Sweeney Todd – "Parlor Songs"…
Skipping around a bit checking off the thirty some scenes. In “Parlor Songs” – Beadle decides he has a singing voice. The first exposure is actully from dress rehearsal, where I could grab a better vantage point, limiting any interference from the music...
Sweeney Prologue – First of 30+ show segments/numbers…
Took some doing to organize all of the Sweeney Todd images into something I can approach logically. I’m staring at at least thirty more scene/number folders of selecteed images (to work up). Attacking these in order – while I move on to some new work – is...
Sweeney Todd – “Green Finch and Linnet Bird”, and pre-show exercises…
OK, I’m back working on Sweeney Todd images. First the Rogue Hard Drive filled up on me and had to be replaced with a much larger one (should have seen that coming) and the very next day my computer back-up drive failed – only 2 months after warranty was...
Sweeney Todd – Behind the Scenes, the Orchestra (two views)
Katie, quite wisely, always requests a second shot with these, telling everyone to act up, be goofy, etc. And it’s almost always better than the standard group shot. The intro shot is just that, the second. Note, the conductor – Jarett Rettman – picked up...
Sweeney Todd – One reason you shouldn't miss what's happening in the shadows…
With this last performance I began working to chatch some of the little nuance stories taking place in the shadows. With this shot I finally get why Alli is described as a prostitute. Ensemble members have occupations that are connected to their peripheral...
Sweeney Todd – Toby, where are you? No one will hurt you……
Two quickies before tonight’s performance. Sweeney and Mrs Lovett don’t have such good intentions at this point, but Toby is nowhere to be found. In the second shot, Anthony is courting Johanna with song…
Simply too shot right now to come up with...
Sweeney Todd – A couple of the lighter moments
The stage production of Sweeney Todd has lighter moments throughout – it’s a little bit of a roller-coaster ride. The intro shot is the finale moment of Act 1, celebrating Mrs Lovett’s scathingly brilliant “idea”.
In the second shot the “Judge” that...
Sweeney Todd – Another Batch of Hot Pies Coming Up…
Way behind but gaining on the backlog. Show reviews are fantastic – bet that my camera and I will be moved back a few rows for the last two shows. Really only a few shots left that I want to concentrate on catching. In the opening shot here Matt Cannon,...
Sweeney Todd – This shot makes Nan laugh the hardest…
I thought I was done for the day when Nan just couldn’t help herself for the third time over this one. She wanted to see it done up (tricky, from the rear of the theater and in harsh lighting). Caleb as Pirelli is singing away as he tries to blackmail Sweeney...
Sweeney Todd Cast Photo – and Be Yourselves…
Rogue traditionally requests two cast photos, one straight (at least for that particular show) and one Katie calls as “Goofy”. She might as well just say to “be yourselves”. The orchestra was shot at the same time – coming soon. The intro shot is, naturally,...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Sweeney and Mrs Lovett at home, while making an "honest living"…
Only time for one quick one today – far too many exposures to go through at this point. This is by far the most demanding performance to cover yet. The image is from the number where Mrs Lovett is looking to a “normal” future for them…
First performance...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Wait for it…
Right at the start of the second act Toby has a monologue number, duriing which at one point he leaps off a chair. I’m gonna try this one again, compensating for the fact that he leaps almost completely above the spotlight into the dark. Anyway, I manage...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Tastes like chicken…
Close to burn-out at this point, and the show isn’t on us yet. Ouch. These shots are from show run-throughs as stage, lighting and orchestral sync are worked out. Tonight should be full dress rehearsal. Here Mrs Lovett’s new “hot pies” are a huge hit with...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Doing it on the stage…
Finally, midst all the back and forth coordinating with the orchestra (better than listening to “rehearsal track” every 30 seconds), the cast gets to rehearse on stage. Me, I’m busy trying out camera-lens combinations, vantage points, etc. For this rehearsal...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Sweeney pouts and Mrs Lovett offers "comfort"…
Last few days before performance, and I’ve got a lot to work out. Busy week. “Should” be the last off-stage rehearsal shots. Sweeney is pouting because he was thwarted in giving the “shave” he wanted to – Mrs Lovett at first offers unwanted comfort, before...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – I'm not crazy, are you?
The title here refers to the intro close-up of one of the inmates at the local asylum. April, as a number of Rogues, has a talent for putting her crazy on. Anthony has just arrived looking for his beloved who has been committed in order to keep her from...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Focus on Jesse and Lisa
Jesse plays Anthony, so has a number of solos – it’s fun to see him have to work so hard. In the intro image, he’s just been forbidden to ever approach Johanna again. In the image below Lisa, who doubles as a town member, here plays Lucy in a flashback background...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – You there, do you want a shave?!
This is at the point where Sweeney, in a fit of impatience, starts pointing to imaginary victims (the audience) and challenging them to get a “shave”. James can look a little intimidating when he wants to.
The second shot here is one of the final “head-shots”,...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Oops, I told the wrong guy what I'm up to…
I think Jesse (as Anthony) has the expression of horror down as he realizes that he’s been spilling things to Nate (as Beadle). Most numbers in Rogue productions, heavy on Vaudeville, have multiple points where good shots can be managed. In this production...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Three more cast pose for head shots…
Many, but certainly not all, cast members are posing for their head shots as their costumes are ready. Then it’s throw up a quick backdrop, use whatever lighting is available and take my one to three shots I have time for. Only a few to go. The first on...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – when the trunk that holds the body isn't there yet…
I just had to take a break and do up two exposures that made me smile. In the intro shot Toby (played by Ethan) is sitting on a trunk that, unbeknownst to him, contains the body of his employer. Caleb is a body at this point, in the virtual trunk, providing...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – I believe Mrs Lovett is a little more into things than Sweeney…
Searched my brain for a title for this sequence to no avail. I’ll just let them speak for themselves for now. At least they’re to the point now where they can keep stage faces while doing numbers like this Tomorrow is a run-through so I will probably see...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – aah, a nice complimentary shave, oops
For this posting I decided to just put up these back-to-back shots. The Beadle is settling down to his complimentary shave in the first shot. The second shot is the instant he reasized something is amiss. In this production the rest goes rather quickly,...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Ode to a Razor…
Not a Nightingale or even a Summer’s Day, that being almost romantically celebrated is a razor. Oh well, this IS Sweeney Todd. James and Katie are pretty darn convincing in this scene, though Mrs Lovett is much more focused on her doration of Sweeney than...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – "A Little Priest"
I love the way they do “A Little Priest” a whole lot more than the movie – it’s more alive and gives the audience a very fun interlude. “A Little Priest gleefully compares the potential taste of those in various occupations. James and Katie, as Sweeney and...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – "Worst Pies in London"
Even in early rehearsals Katie and James “become" Mrs Lovett and Sweeney Todd. By the time the show gets here, it will be second nature to them. In the intro shot Mrs Lovett is serving Sweeney one of her “Worst Pies in London” – which his expression confirms....
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – four Gentlemen in want of a "Shave"…
Continuing cast photos for Sweeney Todd. all of these, at some point, go for a “shave”. The first one is Leonard Gilbert who plays “Fogg" – and then after his “shave” is free to play a policeman. First below is Michael Maistros, Fleet Street butcher…
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Moxie herds cast to the table for a video…
Generally the only full cast shot is taken at final dress rehearsal, otherwise it would be like herding cats. Somehow Moxie managed to get this group (minus a few) together in order to do a little video clip. I managed to grab a quick take. Nothing like...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Three Swans, two of them new…
Almost finished with the first batch of cast portraits – good thing because tomorrow I “should” be able to load up on another few. I still gotta figure how to hang a backdrop where the rehearsal is being held. The opening shot here is of Alli Beerman – she...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Two new Rogue Swans
Two more in my cast portrait series – at least they are sitting still for these, if only for a minute or two. The opening shot is of Lisa – she’ playing the “market seller” and, in the flashback scene, the young Lucy. It’s a pity the audience won’t be close...
This is Havre de Grace – an Odyssey in b&w 2017–2024
Finally, it’s done. I assembled the print version first, I always do. Then I have to decide whether to go to print – expensive – or just order one copy for Nan and go immediately to pdf eBook. I was sorely tempted to print tthis one, but with having to sell...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – First Cast Portraits
Cast portraits are always an interesting challenge. Some prefer to use those from the previous big production, a few new faces or those looking for another try, and then there’s the difficult to catch up with group. Since these have to be taken during rehearsals,...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Shaving with a Pencil…
While I begin work on cast portraits – yep, it’s that time again – here’s three more from rehearsal that Lilli (the director) wanted to see done up. Sweeney (L.H. James) is practicing his shaving, here with a pencil. Matt plays the blacksmith who is short...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Couple of key moments…
Finding rehearsal venues seems to be the trials and tribulations or slings and arrows of performance art. Here one of the cast members got the parish hall of their church – and there was almost enough room. In the first shot Mrs. Lovett and Toby (Katie and...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Mrs Lovett, a portrait of "innocence"…
The final pair from the downtown shoot. The opening shot shws Katie all dolled up for a picnic with Sweeney – isn’t she the picture of innocence? The hot below shows Mrs Lovett and Sweeney, arm in arm, heading off for their day out – each feeding on the...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Sweeney & Mrs. Lovett's "fun" picnic…
Sweeney Todd’s Director, Lilli “requested” all three of these – argh. She’s one of those people who never asks anyone to work any harder than she does – but she works awfully hard. these were shot at the small rocky beach in town, in bright mid-morning light....
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Clandestine Meeting…
Johanna and Anthony (Moxie & Jesse) meet clandestinely in the bushes in the park. This trek, in costume, to town provided a number of interesting takes on the Sweeney Todd plot line. They were shooting video clips while I did my thing … Actually all this...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Sweeney arrives, seeking revenge…
Getting outdoors with actual lighting to play with was fun. They were shooting promo video clips and I tagged along to grab a few shots. My job is to get whatever I can as the fly on the wall – the last thing the cast needs is a prima-donna photographer...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Serious trouble & More pies arrive…
Finishing up with the Editor’s picks, while awaiting more that I know will come from the latest shoots. Some very different stuff in there that I’m working up. The intro image is from the flashback fifteen years in the past when Sweeney was Benjamin Barker....
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – a couple of Director picks…
As busy as Lilli is right now, as only the Director can be, she went through some recent exposures and sent me some pic “picks”. Here’s two of them – I love the play of faces in the first, as Mrs. Lovett sits down with some of the pie patrons. In spite of...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – What do you mean no more "hot pies"?
As exuberant as the cast is here, these two shots are from an early read-thru of the scene. Things will surely be more coordinated in later rehearsals, but there’s something cool about first tries at complex scenes where everyone has different guidelines...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Fun with Expressions
In the first shot here Sweeney (L.H. James) is angry at Lucy. the beggar woman (Amy). One of my favorites. I love the look on Amy’s face, quite formidable. The seccond shot below was taken at the darker end of the rehearsal room. Sweeney had the Judge (Brian,...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks, Slow-Choreographing Chaos & Dance Script Reading…
It’s always interesting to watch Katie begin choreographing a complicated dance or seemingly chaotic scene. You get to see it in slow-motion, albeit in a much more restricted space. It’s amazing how much work goes into making a scene like that work on stage....
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – Running Scared & Playing Dead
I like it that I’m finally getting to do some fun shots of the Sweeney Todd rehearsals. The opening shot is of Ron (the banker), without the beard he sported a few days ago in a posting, at the head of a pack of citizens running scared. I promished him that...
Sweeney Todd Sneak Peeks – the Man Himself
L.H. James IS Sweeney Todd – here is his first script reading as he contemplates the new singing barber in town. In the second shot below he calmly shaves Ryan Kaczmarczyk, the bird-seller, while his competitor is busy putting on a show for the spectators...
Caleb as Adolfo Pirelli – shaving competition rehearsal with Ron as the local banker…
Caleb in his first ru-through as Adolpho Pirelli, the joke of a singing Italian barber. Here he shaves Ron, who is playing the local banker. Note – this will be the last time seeing Ron with his beard for a while. Katie informed him that it had to go for...
Playing Sweeney Todd's Toby – one of the ones you (guiltily) want to see in a pie…
This production is so different, large cast but, in spite of some singing, very little of the action Rogue has had me catching for them. Trying to get my sea legs here. This posting introduces Ethan – easily seen as great casting for Toby in Sweeney Todd....
Reading Scripts and Practicing Dips
Getting into the long run covering Rogue Swan’s Sweeney Todd from first rehearsal through the final performance. Every time it starts off slow – a lot of time is spent standing around group-reading scripts – a lot of huirried pencil work making more individually...
Jesse and Moxie – first rehearsal of one of their scenes in Sweeney Todd
A pair of images from the first rehearsal, with a lot of script following, of Rogue’s "Sweeney Todd". Jesse and Moxie play the young lovers. I wondered how Moxie’s hair got so long so quickly – turns out those are very well matched extensions, for the show....
First release of rehearsal images for Rogue's Sweeney Todd…
Well this is different. Rogue Swan – I do the photography fo them – is putting on Sweeney Todd at the Star Center at the end of September, beginning of August. This time though everything, including my imaging, is official somehow. All use of the images...
Rosie Jack and the Bangtails – the final four
Eight humdred exposures netted six usable images – ab I actually like half of them. Actually not a bad result for b&w. Not to mention the excess labor involved from shooting in the very, very low light of a speakeasy. My head is a little bruised from beating...
Rosie Jack, James and Jesse – The Bangtails at MacGregor's
I have to slow down a little on these, a lot to catch up on and a book to work up. But if I try to stick to one image at a time, I can probably handlle the multitasking. Besides, I feel like I’m cruising again – the 500 chess.com puzzle rating points I lost...
The Gordon Brothers / Base and Drums / Rosie Jack and the Bangtails
The Gordon brothers, Nate and Caleb, play base and drums for Rosie Jack and the Bangtails. Nan and I attended their Speakeasy at MacGregors the other evening – everyone was dressed up for the occasion. But, true to the atmosphere, lighting was so dimmed...
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